What makes a successful content marketing campaign?

Content marketing uses web articles, blog and social media posts, videos, podcasts, and more. To create a successful content marketing campaign, define your objectives, research your customers, determine topics and distribution channels, and avoid operational bottlenecks.

What makes a successful content marketing campaign?

Content marketing uses web articles, blog and social media posts, videos, podcasts, and more. To create a successful content marketing campaign, define your objectives, research your customers, determine topics and distribution channels, and avoid operational bottlenecks. A content marketing strategy helps you achieve specific objectives, define clear success metrics, and create processes for specific improvement. Peter Boyd is a lawyer and founder of PaperStreet.

It has successfully helped 1,500 law firms with their websites and marketing. Some of the most successful content marketing campaigns don't make any effort to find an audience because the audience comes looking for them, or more precisely, they're looking for the information provided in the content of that campaign. When a website, blog post, or other source offers a way to solve a problem, a perfect match is established. Longer content tends to perform better in searches than shorter pieces.

Everything you write for a web audience should be detailed enough to provide real answers to potential customers' concerns. To get ideas on how to expand a topic, it's useful to do a search on the topic and see what the search engine offers. Google, for example, offers the “people also ask” feature (located in the middle of the search results page), which can indicate what people are looking for and what answers should be provided in the content on that topic. As you write, tell Google the title of your article and use the phrase “people also ask for answers” to expand your content, increasing the word count to more than 2000 words.

To learn more about creating content for specific stages of the customer journey, download this free kit of content mapping templates. Content optimization is the process of improving content so that it has the best chance of achieving the intended objective. When it's possible to use original research, such as a personalized survey, content is much rarer and more valuable. Content can also strengthen brand loyalty in current customers to drive repeat business and inspire them to recommend other new businesses.

The recommendations are based on the highest-ranked content on Google's SERP (search engine results page) for the target keyword. Then continue with content that explains how you can help when they're ready to take action. While successful marketing is more of a marathon than a quick race for many companies, it can be useful to analyze short-term results, even when playing in the long term. The ideal solution is to include a diverse mix of content formats to appeal to all members of your audience.

Follow these seven steps to develop and implement your content marketing strategy to meet your business objectives. Use these strategies to help you create effective and memorable content that appeals to your audience.