How do you measure success in content marketing?

Talk to and learn from colleagues in the industry. By themselves, user behavior metrics don't tell you much.

How do you measure success in content marketing?

Talk to and learn from colleagues in the industry. By themselves, user behavior metrics don't tell you much. However, when combined with other metrics (such as traffic performance), they can provide marketers with a directional view of reader engagement and content performance. Your team can analyze 100 different metrics related to your last blog post, new landing page, or recent email campaign, but they don't really matter unless you have objectives with which to measure performance.

Most B2B marketers focus on the most important objectives, such as brand awareness, education, and building credibility. However, that shouldn't limit your teams from also succeeding in using content to generate leads, encourage subscribers, increase event attendance, and generate revenue. Our goal is to present ideas, thoughts and opinions related to B2B online marketing, with an emphasis on search, social media and content marketing. We hope to provide B2B professionals with the opportunity to participate in debates and ideas related to our campaigns, initiatives and research in all facets of online marketing.

Read the article to the end to learn more about some additional content metrics to track. However, setting the right goals requires a bit of research. For your goals to be truly INTELLIGENT, you must audit your existing content and analyze the competition. Behavioral analysis allows you to better understand how many people are interacting with your site.

In addition, you can know which pages lead them to the site in the first place and which pages they interact with the most; these also influence the way Google ranks your page in the SERPs in terms of relevance. Explore the definitive guide to performing a content audit This metric can be manipulated if you introduce event tracking and indicate additional actions such as events (for example, the depth of scrolling, which is more relevant for blog pages). For example, a high bounce rate on a blog may be normal if you have a number of returning visitors who read new articles, find relevant information, and then leave your website. If your goal is to increase visibility, increase engagement and move the ranking from the blog to product pages, metrics such as time spent become more relevant.

Engagement metrics reflect how much you connect with your audience. These metrics are considered to be the most important when analyzing the effectiveness of your content marketing campaigns and your overall strategy. Sharing is more important than a “like” because it not only shows that someone found your content interesting, but it also expanded their reach. If the full text of your article, infographic, video, or other content items are published on a third-party website, this is considered a reissue.

When you find a reissue of your content, make sure that the author has included a link to the original post; this will help you attract a more specific audience to your website. In addition, you can check with the owner of the website and ask them to add a canonical link tag that points to the original article. This would ensure that Google doesn't see those two posts as duplicate pages. Offering engaging and exciting content not only allows you to generate traffic and attract your target audience, but it also allows you to generate revenue.

While financial metrics, such as sales, don't always apply directly to content, there are several KPIs you should monitor. Through traffic, links to your content, mentions of your brand, etc. Vertical scrolling shows how far readers traveled from the top of the web page to the bottom. Horizontal scrolling shows how far readers scrolled through a web page from left to right.

Semrush Backlink Analytics compares the authority score with the authority score to measure the overall quality and SEO performance of a domain or website. The neural network algorithm uses machine learning to measure the authority of each domain based on quality, popularity and backlink signals. These metrics help you create a more efficient editorial plan without gaps or wasted effort. Social media is an impressive content promotion channel with its unique features.

Because of the short format of a publication, the metrics we use to measure user behavior don't always apply, which adds meaning to engagement metrics. Emails are a rare type of content that gives you the opportunity to interact with your users one-on-one, so it's absolutely crucial to track the performance of this content format. Using data analysis to identify underperforming pieces of content and drive the best-performing pieces of content is the perfect “recipe” for successful content marketing. However, there is a little more.

Each metric that we discussed above is interpreted slightly differently depending on the funnel phase and the format of the content. For example, at the top of the funnel, where the audience isn't familiar with your brand, traffic and time spent on page are more important than other metrics. Conversely, at the bottom of the funnel, conversions often come to the fore. In addition, different content formats help you achieve different goals at different speeds and with different efficiency.

This should also be considered when measuring content performance. Tools like Semrush ImpactHero will help you automatically divide your existing content into stages and define the perfect type and length for each one. In a content strategy, it is essential to know how many views a page receives. This measurement helps to understand the level of traffic and interest in the content.

We talk a lot about content marketing in this blog, from reasons for outsourcing content marketing to our in-house production process, including AI, copywriting robots and more. However, creating content is only half the puzzle. The other half, how to measure content marketing performance, informs future decisions and illustrates the measurable success of a content marketing campaign compared to business objectives. The way to measure content marketing performance comes down to setting objectives, understanding how key content marketing metrics relate to those objectives, analyzing information, and making informed decisions based on findings.

Before setting a SMART goal for content marketing campaigns, consider your company's overall business objectives. Is the growth in web traffic organic year after year? Is this an increase in product revenues or service subscriptions? Maybe you're looking to hire 15 people over the course of the year to expand your business. Whatever your overall business objectives are, there's a key content marketing metric to link them to. Defining how to measure content marketing performance for your company starts with understanding the difference between metrics, KPIs and business objectives.

Metrics measure the impact, success, and overall state of a company's digital presence, while KPIs are types of metrics that measure progress toward a specific business objective. Below, we list four general examples. Increase organic traffic by 10% year over year. On the contrary, low numbers may indicate that the website, in general, does not have as much content capable of attracting.

If you properly aligned your marketing and sales efforts, a successful conversion rate can be closely related to an increase in your revenue. Consumption metrics tell you how many people see and consume your content and how much time they spend delving into it. BuzzSumo is another tool for tracking what's being shared on social networks and it's an easy way to quickly identify the best-performing content on your site. In this post, I'll look at several metrics to help your team show the value of content marketing and why setting goals is a fundamental step in this process.

It won't give you a complete picture of performance, but it can tell you if your content works well (high impressions and CTR) or if it needs to be adjusted (low impressions, low CTR, or a combination of both). Tracking these key metrics for content marketing success will reveal the areas where your campaign works smoothly and can help identify areas that need fine-tuning. By measuring content marketing performance, date interval comparisons can help you visualize data and tell more stories. Today, Michael helps create successful content marketing programs for both leading brands and startups.

To understand how to set the objectives and KPIs for your content marketing, you need to understand in depth why your company exists. If you've invested time optimizing your content for search engines, SEO metrics can greatly improve your understanding of general brand knowledge. Metrics, such as links to your content, mentions of your brand on social media and media coverage, are signs that your authority and brand presence are increasing. With its ability to help brands to skyrocket the visibility and organic reach of brands, content marketing is often considered a top-tier marketing tactic.
