How do you use customer testimonials in your content marketing strategy?

This is a guest post from our friend Jordan Wahl, from G2 Crowd. More than 12,000 companies from around the world, including more than 75 percent of the top 100 business schools in the U.S.

How do you use customer testimonials in your content marketing strategy?

This is a guest post from our friend Jordan Wahl, from G2 Crowd. More than 12,000 companies from around the world, including more than 75 percent of the top 100 business schools in the U.S. In the U.S., they trust Qualtrics to constantly create products that people love, create more loyal customers, develop an exceptional work culture and create iconic brands. In this example, the testimonial in question encourages “students to continue with the course and, in turn, to become more affiliated with the brand.” We'll discuss ways to take advantage of testimonials in your content and other marketing materials, but first, let's talk about how to obtain and present them for maximum impact.

Reach new audiences by unlocking information hidden deep in experience data and operational data to create and deliver content that audiences can't get enough of. You can even turn sections of these blogs into videos and that's it: you have great video content for your social media channels. Increase customer loyalty, revenue, market share, brand recognition, employee engagement, productivity and retention. Getting customer testimonials at every stage of their relationship can help you address and overcome a wider range of objections.

While some might say that testimonials should only be used in content aimed at those who are more advanced in the sales funnel, I disagree. That's a great example of consumer marketing, but the tactic also works for other types of businesses. They're an impressive sales tool in their own right, but they can be further improved with testimonials from the customers in question. That said, don't place any testimonials on any page of your site, but instead make sure that each testimonial is relevant to the page.

Testimonials play an important role for all companies, regardless of industry, looking to acquire customers and sales online. You can publish a case study on your website, use it as a magnet for potential customers, or you can use it in your marketing campaigns. This example highlights the importance of matching the most appropriate testimonial with your marketing materials, rather than simply using the one that most promotes your product or service. Not only does this entice me to see the product, but it also makes me think about trying it out because of the testimonial.

Correct any minor typographical or spelling errors, as long as you don't change the meaning of the testimonial. Case studies are more detailed accounts of how a company helped a customer and generally include testimonials and other information about the transformation that the customer underwent throughout their journey.