How do you use data to improve marketing campaigns?

Data-based marketing campaigns use customer data to optimize performance, by allowing for more accurate predictions about customer behavior. By offering improved information about your audience, you can use this data for more accurate segmentation, personalized customer experiences, and better return on investment (ROI).

How do you use data to improve marketing campaigns?

Data-based marketing campaigns use customer data to optimize performance, by allowing for more accurate predictions about customer behavior. By offering improved information about your audience, you can use this data for more accurate segmentation, personalized customer experiences, and better return on investment (ROI). Use data analysis to track, measure and improve your marketing campaigns. Every channel, from SEO and email to PPC and your website, can be improved through data analysis.

The main benefit of data marketing is the specificity offered by the strategy, which improves the ROI and the overall success of the campaigns. When you improve both the accuracy and speed of marketing campaigns, your efforts are more efficient and effective. Find out what people are saying about your brand with social listening tools like Mention, so you can respond accordingly in your marketing campaigns. A lot of raw, unexamined data won't do much to help your brand's marketing strategy, and even in the worst case scenario, it will lead you down the wrong path.

It's much less common for marketers to use data to inform future content marketing campaigns, except for keyword research, of course. Optimizely is described as a “progressive delivery and experimentation platform designed to allow marketers and other teams in an organization to base their decisions on real-time data analysis”. In addition, companies that use data-based personalization recorded five to eight times the return on investment (ROI) in their marketing budgets. It helps you make better decisions, improves the quality of your campaigns and generates more conversions and revenues.

The email marketing channel gives you information about a customer's working hours and business priorities. Data-based marketing can improve customer retention efforts by making it easier to request and act on customer feedback. The typical sales cycle for B2B companies lasts more than three months, but only four percent of marketers measure ROI in six months or more. If you've been doing analysis and data collection for a long time, there are most likely a lot of gaps that you need to correct.

When you want to launch a new marketing channel or improve an existing one, you don't need to start from scratch, at least if you can take advantage of data analysis. It can help marketers target potential customers and allows them to create personalized messages based on customer data. The email marketing service MailChimp offers a marketing platform designed to help marketers learn more about their target audiences. Social listening is one of the best ways to take advantage of large scale data analysis to create content that your customers want to read.

One of the biggest problems companies face with their marketing is that they simply don't know if the marketing they're doing is working or if it's having the desired effects.