How do you use data and analytics to inform your content marketing decisions and strategies?

But how can you figure out what data to use and how to interpret it to inform your future content? Data-based content marketing describes a process in which marketing teams create content based on data analysis. Data is generally used to understand consumer preferences and trends in the industry, as well as how best to communicate that message.

How do you use data and analytics to inform your content marketing decisions and strategies?

But how can you figure out what data to use and how to interpret it to inform your future content? Data-based content marketing describes a process in which marketing teams create content based on data analysis. Data is generally used to understand consumer preferences and trends in the industry, as well as how best to communicate that message. To collect this data, it's important to use an advanced marketing attribution method that pays close attention to every touchpoint with which the customer interacts and takes into account rational and emotional factors. Several of today's top brands are already using data to improve their content marketing strategy and customer conversations in ways that go beyond the payment experience on their e-commerce sites.

Extensively apply what you learn through data analysis to your current content marketing strategy and let the information inspire you instead of driving the entire plan forward. But why is it so worthwhile to rely on data and how can it help your marketing? There are several reasons. Your data repositories must follow the seven dimensions of data quality (completeness, consistency, accuracy, proper format, timeliness, validity and completeness) as closely as possible for maximum reliability. Analyses can be overwhelming at first, but they can provide you with invaluable data that you wouldn't otherwise get from seeing the superficial results of your campaigns.

While 80% of content marketers create blog posts, for these blog posts to be truly effective at capturing search engine traffic, they need to optimize these articles for search engines. If you want to ensure that your content is as optimized as possible, it's best to use tools that provide guidelines. Good objectives are fundamental to any successful marketing strategy, and using data will help you set achievable goals that are not based on guesswork, but on facts. However, with the right tools and creative thinkers, you'll be well on your way to delivering smarter content to your audience.

With more than 100 published articles, you get a great view of what type of content appeals to your audience, what topics have permanent potential and where you should take a step forward. If you don't currently have any content tactics to educate your audience or help answer their queries, it's time to analyze your chatbot data to find out what they're asking. Ann, a former adjunct professor at the university, also helps train content professionals so that they can do it themselves. Since organic search generates 53.3 percent of content consumption, now is as good a time as any other to take control of segmented keywords.

To start reusing your content in a data-driven way, you must identify the channels that your audience frequents and the types of content they prefer.