How do you use webinars as part of a content marketing strategy?

You can create a series of blog posts from it, extract quotes that can be tweeted, or share snippets to keep the audience interested. You can also make the recording of the session available on demand on different social channels so that the audience plays it long after the webinar and continues to generate leads.

How do you use webinars as part of a content marketing strategy?

You can create a series of blog posts from it, extract quotes that can be tweeted, or share snippets to keep the audience interested. You can also make the recording of the session available on demand on different social channels so that the audience plays it long after the webinar and continues to generate leads. For companies looking to improve the effectiveness of their content marketing, hosting a webinar can be a valuable tool. Choosing the right software, involving industry experts, selecting the right content and topic, and promoting the webinar in advance are important aspects of the successful webinar marketing strategy.

Content is king, especially for webinars. To capture and keep people's attention, you must create relevant and highly specific content that helps them change the life situation they are experiencing. A webinar is a meeting, presentation, debate, educational session, or live demonstration that takes place online. As a content marketing technique, webinars use various forms of content, such as blogs, audio and video interviews, to promote and execute the event.

In addition, the webinar as a whole can be saved and archived for future viewing. Your audience can make space for the webinar in their schedule in advance, making it much more likely that they will pay full attention and participate. While these aspects focus on the logistics of webinars, they will help attendees to get more out of their experience. In fact, 66 percent of B2B marketers said that webinars are one of the most effective content marketing strategies available, according to a recent report from the Content Marketing Institute.

Bernie Borges, marketing director at Vengreso, and Corey McCarthy, marketing director at Socio, offer information on six ways to create and distribute content to create a sales channel. Without effectively communicating the value of your webinar, you won't be able to attract the desired audience. Or, if your goal is to increase the number of high-quality leads in your portfolio, you can host weekly demo webinars with your product experts. By adding different actions and content resources to your “Thank You” page, you'll be able to rate your potential customers efficiently and understand their level of interest more clearly.

Join Charles Warnock from Content Marketing Factory, Bryan Ehrenfreund from Ossia and presenter Jeff Coyle to delve into the intersection between content marketing and sales enablement. In addition, internal testing will give you more confidence and help you familiarize yourself with the content and platform you'll be using for the webinar. You can punch yourself in the face with data or use it to strategically determine the right content topic or channel to take advantage of. But why add all this space between the elements? To give your webinar slides a clean and minimalist look, clutter-free and, therefore, more pleasing to the eye of your audience.

Learn how to create the volume of content needed to own a theme with Brody Dorland and Brock Stechman, co-founders of DivvyHQ. Usually, the hardest part of creating a webinar for a company is coming up with a relevant topic or generating relevant and valuable content. To learn more about how to optimize your content marketing strategy through webinars, Kapost CEO Toby Murdock has teamed up with marketing experts Anita Wehnert, from ReadyTalk, and Ian Hutchinson, from Vidyard, to organize a free webinar “Where do webinars fit into a content marketing strategy? .