How do you use marketing analytics when planning content strategies?

Use content marketing analysis to identify content gaps and create new content. Research what terms your main pages rank on and create content for related terms.

How do you use marketing analytics when planning content strategies?

Use content marketing analysis to identify content gaps and create new content. Research what terms your main pages rank on and create content for related terms.

Content marketing analysis

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While more and more content teams are using data to inform their content marketing strategies, only 10% of organizations believe that their teams have the right skills to derive value from data. While 63% of organizations establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure content marketing performance, a quarter of marketers admit that demonstrating the effectiveness of their marketing content is one of the main challenges. Right now, 61% of organizations say they measure the ROI of content marketing. However, 44% of them don't claim to be very good at it.

This technique has allowed 7.1 million content interactions to be obtained in just six months. Remember that 90% of keywords don't get more than 10 monthly searches, so you should avoid these terms, as they won't generate much traffic. On the other hand, 0.16% of the most popular keywords represent more than 60% of all searches. While these terms have the potential to generate more traffic, you'll compete with many other websites to get to the top of Google with these terms.

Look for terms that have relatively high monthly search volumes (more than 100 searches per month) and low SEO difficulty. Use these terms in your blogs to boost SEO. Not only that, but 43% of content marketers say it's difficult for them to generate content that resonates with their target audience. Surprisingly, 65% of brands don't have a searchable self-service knowledge base that helps answer customer questions, even though 45% of content marketers say that instructional educational content is the most effective content strategy.

While 79% of organizations say that their top priority in content marketing is to generate more quality leads, 51% of marketers complain that they have difficulty creating content that generates quality leads. Content marketers must be able to audit their current SEO efforts and results, and they must also be able to plan content campaigns based on search volume and intent. These insights help you better target content and paid advertising campaigns to the right types of users in the right locations. To truly take advantage of data-based information, your content team must understand how to use and interpret data to benefit the content strategy.

When it comes to content planning, I believe that the best marketers operate with one foot in the past and one foot in the future. In other words, not only should you consider how the data will help you determine if and to what extent your content is connecting with your audience, but also how the data can help guide your content creation process from the start. So, when you're looking to demonstrate your ROI, you separate what you can track from what you can't, and you realize that your measurement strategy for content marketing will always be conservative by nature. To understand how your content marketing strategy works, Google Analytics offers traffic, navigation, conversion and organic search metrics.

These are mainly quantitative tools, you can also obtain a more qualitative analysis of your content through surveys & panels. When measuring the performance of your content, you'll need to decide what performance indicators you're going to measure, track those metrics and KPIs, and analyze and apply your findings. To achieve the most success with your content marketing, you should seek to partner with other people and companies in your industry that have a broader reach to produce joint content. Google Analytics' intuitive interface is easy to navigate and can be used to understand how your content is performing on multiple platforms.

HubSpot's marketing analysis and dashboard software makes it easy to access all data and information from a single location in seconds. By testing two different versions of the content on your website, you can get an idea of which one generates the most conversions. The ROI of content marketing is complicated because doing so has a lot of long-term and untrackable benefits. Adverity makes it easy to eliminate any data silos you may have and provides easy access to centrally located marketing data so that your team members can identify and analyze the information they need.

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